I make works that reflect on the experience of space and engage with the relationship between perceptual, physical, and pictorial depth. I explore abstraction, the representation of place, the interaction of positive and negative shapes, and light and shadow.
I work with a process of continual revision. Each artwork starts with an experience, an idea, or an image, related to a specific place. Using a combination of photo-collage and painting on paper and canvas I assemble fragments that then become assembled into a larger whole. The process is additive and subtractive and includes editing as well as chance or surprise.
I’ve chosen the word “revision” for this exhibition, not only because of the repeated editing I use in making the work, but because I think of my art as re-envisioning and reinterpreting visual experience, as an attempt to recapitulate the complex process of how we, as humans see.
The group of medium to large paintings shown are some of the more accumulated and revised works that I’ve finished recently. The smaller paintings are more provisional and experimental. With the two works in metal, I traced a collage “module” and then had a fabricator laser-cut the form into metal. The metal allows for new play with color, light, shadow and surrounding space. Some information is lost, other information is gained.
I hope you will spend some time with the work. My goal as an artist is that my work might “slow down” time and present to you a new way of seeing and considering the world around you.